Nutrition facts:
200 calories
20 grams fat
Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )
Main Ingredients:-
- 1 piece dry salted baccalà between 2 to 2 1/2 pounds (900 to 1100 grams)
Ingredients (For the sauce-Ingredient):
- 5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1 chili pepper (optional)
- 28 ounces cherry tomatoes in a can or you can use plum tomatoes San Marzano
- 2 tablespoons capers in salt
- 20 so Gaeta olives
- Fresh parsley to garnish
Ingredients (for the batter):
- 1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 cup more or less Seltzer water
- 2 crushed garlic
- Fresh parsley sprigs
- Fresh cracked pepper to taste
Ingredient (for frying):
- 1 to 2 cups oil vegetable/canola/sunflower
Step#1 -Cut your baccalà in pieces. About 3 inches wide the thicker pieces, bigger pieces for the thinner ones.
Step#2- Place in a large container filled with fresh water. Change the water and add fresh water morning and night and do this for 3 days.
Step#3- Keep in the fridge or a cold place. In the winter I keep it in my garage or deck.
Step#4- Remove baccalà from water and let it drain in a colander. Pat it dry with a paper towel.
Step#5- Prepare a batter with the flour and seltzer water. Not too thick or too thin. Add your crushed garlic, parsley chopped, and fresh cracked pepper.
Step#6- Fry the baccalà pieces in a frying pan on high heat.
Step#7- The smaller pieces can be eaten immediately. The thicker ones will finish cooking in the sauce.
Directions (for the sauce):
Step#1- In a large sauté pan add the oil and garlic. Add your tomatoes once garlic is golden.
Step#2- Now add the olives and capers and let it cook for 10 minutes.
Step#3- Add the fried larger baccalà pieces. Turn once and let it cook got an additional 10 minutes. Keep the heat on low because you don’t want to dry the sauce up.
Step#4- Taste and adjust the salt.